

Words — 48 found

1. mesh data
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1. fold; crease
2. mesh of a tatami mat; distance between stitches in a tatami mat
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1. narrow eyes; half-open eyes
2. fine mesh; fine texture; tight weave; smooth cut (of a file)
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun
1. somewhat coarse; somewhat rough; rather coarse; rather rough
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. coarse mesh; coarse texture; coarse weave; bastard cut (of a file)Only applies to 粗目, Only applies to 荒目
Other forms
荒目 【あらめ】粗め 【あらめ】荒め 【あらめ】
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1. engaging or meshing (of gears)
2. occlusion (of teeth)
  • かみあかみ合わせ
  • ふしぜん不自然
  • ではない
  • ですか
Do you feel anything unnatural when you put your teeth together?
Other forms
かみ合わせ 【かみあわせ】噛合せ 【かみあわせ】噛み合せ 【かみあわせ】かみ合せ 【かみあわせ】
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てんもうかいかい 天網恢恢疎
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. heaven's net has large meshes, but nothing escapesProverb, from Laozi
  • てんもうかいかいそにしても天網恢恢疎にして漏らさず
  • ことば言葉
  • とお通り
  • てんばつてきめん天罰覿面
They say fate will catch up with you. That was God's way of punishing him.
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1. maid at an inn who served clients and worked as a prostitute (Edo period)See also 飯盛り
Wikipedia definition
2. Meshimori onnaor meshiuri onna, literally "woman serving (or selling) m... Read more
Other forms
飯盛り女 【めしもりおんな】
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. netlike; mesh-like; reticulated; vascular
Other forms
網状 【あみじょう】
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. mesh-patterned; webbed; cancellous; cancellate; reticulate; reticulated; ramified
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1. area fill (in printing)
2. half-tone dot meshingComputing
Other forms
網かけ 【あみかけ】
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ぐるま 歯車
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. not meshing (of people, organizations, etc.); not seeing eye to eye
Other forms
歯車が噛み合わない 【はぐるまがかみあわない】
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1. (meshes of) the law; net of the law; justiceSee also 法の網
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1. spices; condiments; seasoningUsually written using kana alone
2. adjuvant (in Chinese medicine); addition of an adjuvantMedicine
3. meat, fish, vegetables, etc. added to rice or udon (e.g. to make gomoku meshi)Kansai dialect, See also 五目飯
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. (meshes of) the law; net of the law; justice
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1. shako meshi; rice cooked with shrimpSee also 蝦蛄
Other forms
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Wikipedia definition
1. MeshaKing Mesha of Moab was a king of Moabites around the 9th ... Read more
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1. Mesha SteleThe Mesha Stele (popularized in the 19th century as the "... Read more
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1. Shadrach, Meshach, and AbednegoShadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are people recorded in th... Read more
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