

Words — 42 found

I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. sharp (knife, claws, etc.); pointed
  • その
  • ナイフ
  • するど鋭い
The knife has a very sharp edge.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. sharp (pain, tone, etc.); acute; stabbing; cutting (remark, criticism, etc.); stinging; biting; fierce (attack); pointed (question, look, etc.); piercing (gaze); shrill (sound)
  • ここ
  • するど鋭い
  • いた痛み
  • あります
I have a sharp pain here.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
3. keen (intuition, sense of smell, etc.); acute; sharp (eye, mind, etc.); astute; shrewd; discerning; penetrating (insight, question, etc.); perceptive
  • りょうけん猟犬
  • するど鋭い
  • きゅうかく嗅覚
  • えもの獲物
  • 追う
Hounds hunt by their keen scent.
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Wikipedia definition
1. Insights (Toshiko Akiyoshi – Lew Tabackin Big Band)Insights is the fourth studio recording of the Toshiko Ak... Read more
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