

You can also try a search for government ふぁいるれ.

Words — 1 found

Wikipedia definition
1. Government failureGovernment failure (or non-market failure) is the public ... Read more
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Sentences — 1 found

  • 189006
    • えいこく英国
    • つうか通貨
    • きき危機
    • せいふ政府
    • ポンド
    • きゅうらく急落
    • くいとくい止められなかった
    • こと
    • めぐる
    • せいじきき政治危機
    • へと
    • はってん発展
    • しました
    Britain's currency crisis has turned into a political one over government failure to stop the pound from going into free-fall. Tatoeba
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