Words — 7 found
Common word JLPT N3 Wanikani level 4 Play audio Show 13 collocations Links
- 名が挙がる - to become famous
- 名が泣く - to not be worthy of the reputation (e.g. restaurant, Diet member, etc.)
- 名が響く - to be famous
- 名を挙げる - to gain fame
- 名をなす - to become famous
- 名をはせる - to win fame
- 名を取る - to become famous
- 名を売る - to gain a reputation
- 名を残す - to be remembered
- 名を汚す - to shame the name (of)
- 名を表す - to distinguish oneself
- 名を連ねる - to have one's name entered (in a list)
- 名に負う - to be famous
1. name; given name
2. title
3. fame; renown; reputation
4. pretext; pretense; justification; appearance
1. (full) name; family name and given name
- 生まれてくる赤ちゃんの幸せを考えて姓名判断で名前を決めた。
1. Chinese courtesy name (name formerly given to adult Chinese men, used in place of their given name in formal situations)
2. nickname
3. section of a village