

Searched for ふん. You can also try a search for "fun #words".

Words — 207 found

1. Rostroconchia (class of extinct molluscs)
Wikipedia definition
2. RostroconchiaThe Rostroconchia is a class of extinct molluscs dating f... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. cardia
Wikipedia definition
2. CardiaThe cardia is the anatomical term for the part of the sto... Read more
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1. Xiongnu (ancient Central Asian nomadic people associated with the Huns)Historical term
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2. XiongnuThe Xiongnu were ancient nomadic-based people that formed... Read more
Other forms
匈奴 【フンヌ】
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1. coproma (hardened feces inside the colon); fecaloma; stercoroma
2. coprolite
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3. CoproliteA coprolite is fossilized feces. Coprolites are classifie... Read more
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1. grinderSee also 研磨機 けんまき
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2. Mill (grinding)A grinding mill is a unit operation designed to break a s... Read more
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1. burning books on the Chinese classics and burying Confucian scholars alive (Qin dynasty thought suppression campaign)Yojijukugo (four character compound), Historical term
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2. Burning of books and burying of scholarsBurning of the books and burying of the scholars is a phr... Read more
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Noun, Suru verb
1. fraudulent accounting; window-dressing settlement of accounts; creative accountingYojijukugo (four character compound)
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2. Creative accountingCreative accounting and earnings management are euphemism... Read more
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1. dung beetle; gold beetle; goldbug; scarab beetleSee also 糞転がし ふんころがし, See also 黄金虫 こがねむし
2. maggots in faeces (feces)
Wikipedia definition
3. Dung beetleDung beetles are beetles that feed partly or exclusively ... Read more
Other forms
糞虫 【ふんちゅう】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. book burning
Wikipedia definition
2. Book burningBook burning (also biblioclasm or libricide) is the pract... Read more
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1. fumarole
2. blowhole (of a whale, etc.)
Wikipedia definition
3. FumaroleA fumarole is an opening in a planet's crust, often in th... Read more
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ふんたいこうがっかい 粉体工学会
1. Society of Powder Technology, JapanOrganization name
2. Society of Powder Technology, Japan
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. counting by the minute (of a schedule, etc.)
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1. injection pipe; jetting tube; injection nozzle
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1. fecaloma; fecalith; fecolith; coprolith; stercoromaMedicine
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