

Words — 446 found

1. foreign ship (originally only of Dutch ships, but later referring to all foreign ships)Archaic, Colloquial
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. foreign travel
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こうりゅういんかい 交流委員会
1. Foreign Policy Commission; Foreign Relations Committee
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. foreign country
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とうきょがいこう 等距離外交
1. evenhanded foreign policy; equidistant foreign policy
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がいこくかわせこうにんぎんこう 外国為替公認銀行
1. authorized foreign exchange bank; authorised foreign exchange bank
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. coming from far away
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がいこくだいがく 外国語大学
1. university of foreign studies; university specializing in foreign languages
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1. university of foreign studies; university specializing in foreign languagesAbbreviation, See also 外国語大学
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1. IndiaObsolete term
2. cotton sheetingAbbreviation, See also 天竺木綿
Noun, used as a prefix
3. foreign; imported
Noun, used as a prefix
4. ultra-spicy; extra hot
Wikipedia definition
5. Tenjiku(meaning "heaven") is the obsolete Japanese word for anci... Read more
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にほんがいこくとくはいんきょうかい 日本外国特派員協会
1. Foreign Correspondents' Club of JapanOrganization name
2. Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan
Wikipedia definition
3. Foreign Correspondents' Club of JapanThe Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ) was star... Read more
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がいじゅんだか 外貨準備高
1. total amount of foreign currency reserves; foreign exchange reserves
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1. external pressure; outside pressure; foreign pressure
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がいこくじんりょこうしゃ 外国人旅行者
1. foreign tourist
  • がいこくじんりょこうしゃ外国人旅行者
  • には
  • めんぜい免税
  • とっけん特権
  • ある
We give foreign tourists the privilege of tax exemption.
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がいこくかわせ 外国為替
1. foreign exchange rateSee also 外国為替相場
  • がいこくかわせ外国為替レート
  • って
  • どのように
  • あらわ表す
  • がいこくかわせしじょう外国為替市場
  • べい米ドル
  • ちゅうしん中心
  • ひょうじ表示
  • されます
How should foreign exchange rates be shown? In the foreign exchange market they are displayed centered on the American dollar.
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1. foreign exchange reserves; foreign currency reserves
Wikipedia definition
2. Foreign-exchange reservesForeign-exchange reserves (also called forex reserves or ... Read more
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1. writing in a European language; European text; Roman letters
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
1. opening a port (seaport, airport, etc.); starting operations at a port
Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
2. opening a port to foreign vessels or trade
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