

Names — 8 found

しこうてい 【始皇帝】
Full name
1. Qin Shi Huang (first emperor of unified China)
Wikipedia definition
2. Qin Shi HuangQin Shi Huang (259 BC – 210 BC), personal name Ying Zheng... Read more
そうそう 【曹操】
Full name
1. Cao Cao (155-220), famous statesman and general at the end of Han, noted poet and calligrapher, later warlord, founder and first king of Cao Wei, father of Emperor Cao Pi; the main villain of novel the Romance of Three Kingdoms
Wikipedia definition
2. Cao CaoCao Cao (155 – March 15, 220) was a warlord and the penul... Read more
やりつあぼき 【耶律阿保機】
1. (n) Yelu Abaoji (first emperor of the Liao Dynasty, 872-926); Emperor Taizu of Liao
Wikipedia definition
2. Emperor Taizu of LiaoThe Emperor Taizu of Liao was the first emperor of the Li... Read more
1. (Otemachi) First Square Conference (centre)
いっしきのりうじ 【一色範氏】
Full name
1. Isshiki Noriuji (?-1369); appointed first Kyuushuu tandai by Takauji
こうじゅんしゃ 【交詢社】
1. Koujunsha; first social club established in Japan (1880)
せつもんかいじ 【説文解字】
Unclassified name
1. Shuowen Jiezi (the first comprehensive dictionary of Chinese characters)
おおてちょうファーストスクエアカンファレンス 【大手町ファーストスクエアカンファレンス】
1. Otemachi First Square Conference (centre)