

Words — 3 found

1. advanced (developed) country; advanced nations
Wikipedia definition
2. Developed countryA developed country or "more developed country" (MDC), is... Read more
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こうはつかいはつじょうこく 後発開発途上国
1. least developed country; LDC
Wikipedia definition
2. Least developed countryLeast developed country (LDC) is the name given to a coun... Read more
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Sentences — 2 found

  • jreibun/2403/1
    • りんこく/りんごく隣国
    • との戦争が
    • ながび長引く
    • につれ、
    • こくない国内
    • えんせんきぶん厭戦気分
    • しょう生じ
    • 、休戦すべきだという声が出始めた。
    As the war with the neighboring country dragged on, a mood of disenchantment developed in the country, and people began to call for a truce. Jreibun
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