

You can also try a search for ちょれ.

Words — 4 found

1. troublesome matter; burden; difficult task; chore; hassle
Other forms
厄介ごと 【やっかいごと】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. quite a chore; not that easy; fairly difficult
Other forms
けっこう大変 【けっこうたいへん】
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. depressing; dark (e.g. story); grim (e.g. expression)Kansai dialect
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. irritating; annoying; tedious (work, person, etc.); boringKansai dialect
Other forms
辛気くさい 【しんきくさい】
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Sentences — 1 found

  • jreibun/9815/1
    • すうじつ数日
    • 続くとだんだんものぐさになり、
    • もん
    • のところまで
    • ちょうかん朝刊
    • を取りに行くのさえ
    • めんどう面倒
    • になる。
    After taking a few days off, I grew increasingly lazy, and even going to the gate to pick up the morning paper felt like a chore. Jreibun
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