

Names — 1735 found

まかまや 【摩伽摩耶】
Full name
1. Mahamaya (alternative name for Maya, the mother of Shakamuni Buddha)
まかまや 【摩迦摩耶】
Full name
1. Mahamaya (alternative name for Maya, the mother of Shakamuni Buddha)
くどん 【瞿曇】
Full name
1. Gautama (the family name of Buddha)
しゃりほつ 【舎利弗】
Full name
1. Sariputra (disciple of Buddha)
Wikipedia definition
2. SariputtaŚāriputra or Sāriputta was one of two chief male disciple... Read more
しゅぼだい 【須菩提】
Full name
1. Subhuti (one of Buddha's disciples)
Wikipedia definition
2. SubhutiSubhūti was one of the Ten Great Śrāvakas of Śākyamuni Bu... Read more
すぼだい 【須菩提】
Full name
1. Subhuti (one of Buddha's disciples)
ぶっとちょう 【仏図澄】
Full name
1. Fotudeng; Buddhacinga (232-348 CE)
Wikipedia definition
2. FotudengFotudeng (ca. 231-349 CE) was a Buddhist monk from Kucha.... Read more
Unclassified name
1. Buddhaghosa
ひさまつしんいち 【久松真一】
Full name
1. Hisamatsu Shin'ichi (1889-1980) - philosopher, scholar of Zen Buddhism and master of the Japanese tea ceremony
Wikipedia definition
2. Shin'ichi HisamatsuShin'ichi Hisamatsu was a philosopher, Zen Buddhist schol... Read more
しんらん 【親鸞】
Full name
1. Founder of the Jodo Shinshu sect of Buddhism (1173-1262)
Wikipedia definition
2. Shinranwas a Japanese Buddhist monk, who was born in Hino at the... Read more
うんけい 【運慶】
Full name
1. Unkei (Buddhist sculptor) (1148-1224)
Wikipedia definition
2. UnkeiUnkei (運慶, 1151–1223) was a Japanese sculptor of the Kei ... Read more
おかもとでら 【岡本寺】
1. Okamotodera (popular name for the Hokkiji Buddhist temple in Nara
けいとくでんとうろく 【景徳伝灯録】
Unclassified name
1. Jingde Chuandeng Lu (Record of the Transmission of the Lamp Published in the Jingde Era, 1004 CE Buddhist scripture)
しかん 【止観】
Unclassified name
1. Zhiguan (Mohe Zhiguan, Buddhist text by Guanding, 594 CE)
じさいききんかい 【慈濟基金会】
1. Tzu Chi Foundation (Buddhist relief organisation), headquartered in Hualien, Taiwan
Other forms
慈濟基金会 【つちききんかい】
おおたがきれんげつ 【太田垣蓮月】
Full name
1. Outagaki Rengetsu (female waka poet, 1791-1875, adopted the Buddhist name Rengetsu after the death of her husband)
にちれん 【日蓮】
Full name, Given name, gender not specified
1. Nichiren; Nichiren (Buddhist priest, 1222-82, founder of the Nichiren sect)
ほうじょうき 【方丈記】
Unclassified name
1. An Account of My Hut; The Ten Foot Square Hut (collection of essays in the Buddhist eremitic tradition, written by Kamo no Chome in 1212)
ざいじゃりん 【摧邪輪】
Unclassified name
1. Tract for Destroying Heretical Views (Buddhist treatise by Myoe, ca. 1212 CE)
Unclassified name
1. The Buddy Factor (film)
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