

Names — 66 found

ひたちふどき 【常陸風土記】
Unclassified name
1. Hitachi Fudoki (description of the culture, climate, etc. of Hitachi province; approx. 720 CE)
ちょうでんす 【兆殿司】
Full name
1. Minchou (approx. 1352-1431 CE)
むちゃく 【無著】
Full name
1. Asanga (approx. 310-390 CE)
むじゃく 【無着】
Full name
1. Asanga (approx. 310-390 CE)
あまみおおしま 【奄美大島】
1. Amamiooshima (island approximately 215 kilometers NE of Okinawa)
Wikipedia definition
2. Amami Ōshimais a semi-tropical island in the Amami Islands, which is ... Read more
かけろまじま 【加計呂麻島】
1. Kakeromajima (island approximately 200 kilometers NE of Okinawa)