
Sorry, couldn't find any words matching University.

Sentences — 203 found

  • jreibun/5998/1
    • おおゆき大雪
    • のため交通機関がストップし、そのため大学の
    • ぜん
    • こうぎ講義
    • きゅうこう休講
    • になった。
    Due to heavy snow, transportation services were suspended; therefore, all the classes at our university were cancelled. Jreibun
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Names — 42 found

にほんぶんかだいがく 【日本文化大学】
1. Nihonbunka University
がくげいだいがくえき 【学芸大学駅】
Train station
1. Gakugei University Station
Wikipedia definition
2. Gakugei-daigaku StationGakugei-daigaku Station is an elevated station, located i... Read more
こまざわだいがくえき 【駒沢大学駅】
Train station
1. Komazawa University Station
Wikipedia definition
2. Komazawa-daigaku StationKomazawa-daigaku Station is a train station located in th... Read more
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