
  • だん
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  • 📉진주스웨디시
  • 동작건마

Words — 13 found

1. master (of a house, shop, etc.)From Sanskrit “dāna”
  • その
  • みにく醜い
  • にくや肉屋
  • だんな旦那
  • あの
  • そうぞうじょう想像上の
  • かいぶつ怪物
  • 似ている
That ugly butcher resembles that fictional monster.
2. husbandFamiliar language
  • だんな旦那
  • こども子供
  • ひきと引き取り
  • けん
  • のぞ望んでいた
Her husband also wanted custody of the children.
3. sir; boss; master; governorused to address a male patron, customer, or person of high status
4. patron of a mistress, geisha, bar or nightclub hostess; sugar daddySee also パトロン
5. alms; almsgiving; almsgiverBuddhism, See also 檀越, See also 檀家, orig. meaning; usu. written as 檀那
Other forms
檀那 【だんな】
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Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
1. tomorrow; tomorrow morningArchaic
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1. hubby; (my) husbandColloquial, Familiar language
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1. husbandHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, See also 旦那
2. master (of a house, shop, etc.)Honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language, See also 旦那
Other forms
旦那さま 【だんなさま】だんな様 【だんなさま】
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Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
1. on the brink of
Noun, Adverb (fukushi)
2. morning and evening; day and night
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1. staying the night (of an itinerant priest in Zen Buddhism); itinerant priest's lodgingBuddhism
2. providing a room for an itinerant priest so that he may meditate for a long period of timeBuddhism
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Suru verb
1. to become a mistress; to serve as a concubineSee also 妾奉公
Suru verb
2. to serve one's masterSee also 主人に仕える
Other forms
だんな取り 【だんなどり】
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たんせきせま 旦夕
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to be on the brink of deathAbbreviation, See also 命旦夕に迫る
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Kanji — 1 found

5 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
daybreak, dawn, morning
On: タン ダン
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Sentences — 14 found

  • jreibun/7239/2
    • がんたん元旦
    • そうちょう早朝
    • きんじょ近所
    • の山に登り、
    • さんちょう山頂
    • から
    • はつひので初日の出
    • を眺めた。
    Early on New Year’s Day I climbed a nearby mountain and watched the first sunrise from the summit. Jreibun
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Names — 133 found

あき 【旦】
Female given name
1. Aki
あきら 【旦】
Female given name
1. Akira
あさ 【旦】
Female given name, Family or surname
1. Asa
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