

Words — 1 found

Adverb taking the 'to' particle
1. chattering (teeth)Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
2. (frozen, worried) stiffOnomatopoeic or mimetic word
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi), Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
3. rigid (personality, thinking, etc.); inflexible; overly seriousOnomatopoeic or mimetic word
Adverb (fukushi), Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
4. voracious (e.g. work, study); without slack or pauseOnomatopoeic or mimetic word
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Sentences — 2 found

  • 184014
    • さむ寒くて
    • ガチガチ
    • 鳴った
    My teeth chattered with cold. Tatoeba
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