

Words — 36 found

1. Settsu (former province located in the northern and central parts of present-day Osaka and the southeast of Hyogo prefectures)Historical term
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たいよういちにちせっしゅりょう 耐容1日摂取量
1. tolerable daily intake; TDI
Other forms
耐容一日摂取量 【たいよういちにちせっしゅりょう】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. taking care of one's healthAntonym: 不摂生
Other forms
せっ生 【せっせい】
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1. intake (nutrients, calories, etc.); intake amount
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1. auxiliary shrine (dedicated to a deity close-related to that of a main shrine)See also 本社
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Noun or verb acting prenominally
1. non-perturbativeSee also 摂動
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. serving concurrently as; holding the additional post of
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1. converting someone (gently) to Buddhism; proselytizationBuddhism
Other forms
摂受 【せつじゅ】
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しょく 食事
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to have a meal; to take a mealSee also 摂る とる
Other forms
食事をとる 【しょくじをとる】食事を取る 【しょくじをとる】
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1. advisor (to the Ryukyuan King)Historical term
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