

Words — 330 found

でん 電話
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ku' ending
1. to install a telephone
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1. discourse analysis
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2. Discourse analysisDiscourse analysis (DA), or discourse studies, is a gener... Read more
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1. Blue House (official residence of the president of South Korea); Cheong Wa Dae
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2. Blue HouseThe Cheongwadae (lit. a platform with azure-tiled roof) o... Read more
Other forms
青瓦台 【チョンワデ】
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1. black rotary-dial telephone
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2. Rotary dialThe rotary dial is a device mounted on or in a telephone ... Read more
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だいかんてん 大漢和辞典
1. Dai Kanwa Jiten (major kanji dictionary compiled by Morohashi Tetsuji)
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2. Dai Kan-Wa JitenThe Dai Kan-Wa Jiten (大漢和辞典, "The Great Han–Japanese Dict... Read more
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1. satellite phone
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2. Satellite phoneA satellite telephone, satellite phone, or satphone is a ... Read more
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1. relaxation timePhysics, Chemistry
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2. Relaxation (physics)In the physical sciences, relaxation usually means the re... Read more
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1. dwarf planetAstronomy
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2. Dwarf planetA dwarf planet, as defined by the International Astronomi... Read more
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1. Norse mythology
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2. Norse mythologyNorse mythology, a subset of Germanic mythology, is the o... Read more
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でんこうかん 電話交換機
1. telephone switchboard
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2. Telephone exchangeIn the field of telecommunications, a telephone exchange ... Read more
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1. telephone made from two cans and a piece of string
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2. Tin can telephoneA tin can telephone is a type of voice-transmitting devic... Read more
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1. landline telephone; fixed-line telephone
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2. LandlineA landline telephone (also known as land line, land-line,... Read more
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1. mythology
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2. MythographyA mythographer, or a mythologist is a compiler of myths. ... Read more
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ちょくせんしゅう 勅撰和歌集
1. poems collected at the behest of the Emperor (from 905 to 1439); Imperial collection of poetryHistorical term
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2. NijūichidaishūThe Nijūichidaishū (二十一代集, Collections of the Twenty-One ... Read more
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1. telephone line
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2. Telephone lineA telephone line or telephone circuit (or just line or ci... Read more
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でん 電話
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
1. to put in a call; to call in; to make a call; to contact by phone
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Noun, Suru verb
1. demythologization; demythicization
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2. DemythologyDemythology is an interpretation of the New Testament in ... Read more
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1. triadMusic
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2. Triad (music)In music and music theory, a triad is a three-note chord ... Read more
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どうしゃでん 自動車電話
1. car phone; car telephone
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2. Car phoneA car phone is a mobile phone device specifically designe... Read more
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