Sentences — 4 found
- つうはん通販 サイトは一般に
- ざいこ在庫 があれば遅くても
- いっしゅうかん1週間
- いない以内 に商品が届くことが多いので、とても便利だ。
E-commerce sites are very convenient, because, when items are in stock, they generally arrive within a week at the latest. — Jreibun -
- コロナかコロナ禍 の
- がいしゅつびか外出控え により、
- ネットつうはんネット通販 の売り上げは順調な伸びを示し続けている。
Online shopping sales have shown steady growth due to the widespread use of the Internet and the restrictions that prevented people from leaving their home during the COVID-19 pandemic. — Jreibun -
- つわり悪阻 がひどく、体調不良が続いていたが、定期健診で医者に「
- おなかお腹 の赤ちゃんの成長は順調ですよ。」と言われ、ほっとした。
Since I became pregnant, I have been suffering from severe morning sickness and have been feeling unwell, but at a regular checkup, I was relieved when the doctor said, “Your baby is growing well.” — Jreibun -
- つうはん通販
- で
- りそうてき理想的な
- まくら枕
- が
- か買えます 。
An ideal pillow is available from a mail-order house. — Tatoeba