

Words — 29 found

1. nipplefruit (Solanum mammosum); apple of Sodom; titty fruit; cow's udderUsually written using kana alone, See also 角茄子
Other forms
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きつねあずきめし 小豆飯
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. trusting a cat with milk; setting a wolf to mind the sheep; (giving) rice boiled with adzuki beans to a foxIdiomatic expression, Rare term, See also 猫に鰹節
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
1. to be bewitched by a fox; to be confusedIdiomatic expression
Other forms
狐に抓まれる 【きつねにつままれる】狐に摘まれる 【きつねにつままれる】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
1. to be deceived by a fox
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きつねつらじろ 頬白
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. like father, like son; the apple doesn't fall far from the tree; fox pups have white cheeksProverb, Rare term, See also 蛙の子は蛙
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つねしさぎな 狐死して兎泣
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ku' ending
1. people have sympathy for kindred in distress; (when) the fox dies, the rabbit criesProverb
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
1. to cease being possessed (by the spirit of a fox); to be released from the grasp of a fox; to be exorcised from a fox
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'su' ending
1. to exorcise a fox spirit (from a person)
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