

Words — 93 found

1. square formation (of troops)
2. magic squareSee also 魔方陣
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1. pyramidal roof; polygonal roofArchitecture
Other forms
方形造り 【ほうぎょうづくり】方形造 【ほうぎょうづくり】
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1. area army (of the Imperial Japanese Army); field armyMilitary, Historical term
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2. Field armyA field army or numbered army, usually referred to simply... Read more
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1. compassSee also 方位磁石
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2. CompassA compass is a navigational instrument that measures dire... Read more
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1. An Account of My Hut (1212 collection of essays in the Buddhist eremitic tradition, by Kamo no Chome); The Ten Foot Square HutWork of art, literature, music, etc. name
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2. Hōjōki, variously translated as "An Account of My Hut" or "The ... Read more
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ほうげんれんぞくたい 方言連続体
1. dialect continuum; dialect chain
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2. Dialect continuumA dialect continuum, or dialect area, was defined by Leon... Read more
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ほうていしきみちび 方程式
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ku' ending
1. to derive a formula
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ほうこう 方向
1. directional button (on a controller); d-pad buttonVideo games
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ほうこう 方向
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'su' ending
1. to point to a direction
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ほうしんかた 方針
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
1. to agree on the principle; to firmly establish a policy
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