Sentences — 3 found
- おに鬼 に見つからないように
- いき息 を
- ひそ潜めて じっとしているのが
- にがて苦手で 、かくれんぼは
- きら嫌いだった 。
As a child, I disliked hide-and-seek because I was not good at holding my breath and staying still so as not be found by “it.” — Jreibun -
- たにん他人 に聞かれて
- こま困る 話でもあるのか、
- となり隣 の
- せき席 の
- どうきゅうせい同級生 が
- こえ声 を
- ひそ潜めて 話しかけてきた。
A classmate sitting next to me spoke to me in a hushed voice, as if he was talking about something he didn’t want others to hear. — Jreibun -
- あばれんぼう暴れん坊 だった
- むすこ息子 だが、大学生になった今では乱暴な言動はすっかり
- かげ影 を
- ひそ潜め 、性格がとても
- おだ穏やかに なった。
My son was rambunctious during his childhood, but now that he is a college student, his violent behavior has completely disappeared and he has become very calm. — Jreibun