Sentences — 3 found
- こぶん古文 の授業で「
- つれづれぐさ徒然草 」の
- じょだん序段 を習い、興味を持ったので、図書室で
- げんだいごやくつ現代語訳付き の解説書を借りてきて、自分で読んでみた。
I studied the first passage of Tsurezuregusa (Essays in Idleness, a collecrtion of essays written by Yoshida Kenkō between 1330 and 1332) in my high school Japanese classics class and I became interested in it, so I borrowed a commentary book with a modern translation from the library and read it on my own time. — Jreibun -
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- ものおき物置
- の
- なか中
- で
- ぐうぜん偶然
- いくつかの
- こもんじょ古文書
- を
- み見つけた 。
She came across some old documents in the closet. — Tatoeba -
- かれ彼
- は
- ものおき物置
- の
- なか中
- で
- ぐうぜん偶然
- いくつかの
- こもんじょ古文書
- を
- み見つけた 。
He came across some old documents in the closet. — Tatoeba