

Sentences — 6 found

  • jreibun/8018/12
    • みえ見栄
    • 張って
    • こうきゅうしゃ高級車
    • に乗っていた。
    When I was young, because I was vain, I drove a luxury car to impress people even though I didn't have much money. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/9075/1
    • はつめいか発明家
    • エジソンが言いました。"
    • てんさい天才
    • とは
    • いっパーセント1%
    • のひらめきと、ほにゃららだ。"さて、ほにゃららに
    • はい入る
    • ことば言葉
    • なん何でしょう
    • 」と
    • しゅつだい出題
    • した。
    On a quiz show, the host told the audience, “Edison, the inventor, said, ‘Genius is 1% inspiration and blah-blah-blah’.” Then, he stopped and posed the question: "Now, what words go into where I said blah-blah-blah?” Jreibun
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  • jreibun/9882/3
    • こてん古典
    • のテストで、
    • げんじものがたり源氏物語
    • ぼうとう冒頭
    • げんだいご現代語
    • やく訳する
    • 問題が出題された。
    In the classics test, I was asked to translate the beginning of The Tale of Genji into contemporary Japanese. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/8018/15
    • しけんべんきょう試験勉強
    • まにあ間に合わない
    • ので
    • いちかばち一か八か
    • ヤマを
    • 張ったら
    • さいわ幸いな
    • ことに勉強したところが
    • しゅつだい出題されて
    • いて
    • らくだい落第
    • まぬか免れた
    I had insufficient time to study for the exam, so I took a chance and studied only what I had thought was most likely to be asked. Fortunately, things that I studied were on the exam, so I managed not to fail the course. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/9882/2
    According to a translator who has been working on Shakespeare’s works for many years, when you translate classical plays like Shakespeare’s into Japanese, what is difficult is determining to what extent the language should be made closer to contemporary Japanese. Jreibun
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  • 76531
    • どう
    • いった
    • じじ時事
    • こうむいんしけん公務員試験
    • しゅつだい出題
    • される
    What sort of current affairs appear in the civil service examination? Tatoeba
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