

Sentences — 2 found

  • jreibun/4425/3
    • はつしゅえん初主演した
    • ドラマの映像が流れ、それを見た
    • はいゆう俳優
    • は照れくさそうに笑った。
    During a talk show the footage of the drama in which the actor first starred as a young man was shown, and on viewing it he laughed shyly. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/4425/2
    • いま今や
    • ドラマや映画に
    • ひっぱ引っ張りだこ
    • で、
    • かずかず数々
    • の作品の主演を
    • つと務める
    • 俳優が、かつて
    • じゅうねんいじょう10年以上
    • したづみじだい下積み時代
    • があったと知って驚いた。
    I was surprised to learn that the actor who is now sought after for leading roles in dramas and movies and has starred in numerous productions formerly spent over 10 years struggling to establish himself in his early career. Jreibun
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