

Sentences — 811 found

  • jreibun/9871/4
    • musuko息子
    • ga
    • boku
    • mosumahoga欲shiitodadawokone、
    • kougakunen高学年
    • ninarumade待tsuyouni言i聞kaserunoni
    • te
    • wo焼ita。
    My son, who has just started elementary school, has been nagging me to buy him a smartphone like everyone else, and I’ve had a hard time telling him to wait at least until he becomes a fourth grader. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/9872/1
    • tozanka登山家
    • no夫ha
    • yama
    • wo愛shi、
    • kuchi
    • wo
    • hira開keba
    • yamanobo山登ri
    • nokotobakaridearuga、
    • tsuma
    • toshiteha
    • aite相手
    • ga
    • yama
    • nanode
    • ya妬ku
    • wakenimoikanai。
    My husband, a mountaineer, loves the mountains, and he constantly talks about climbing. As his wife, I know I can’t be jealous of a mountain. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/9932/3
    • dantaisen団体戦
    • de
    • suba素晴rashii
    • 演技wo終eta選手ni
    • nakama仲間
    • tachiga「majiyabakatta!」to
    • koe
    • wokaketa。
    After seeing a great performance given by a fellow teammate in the team competition, the team members called out to him, “That was fantastic!” Jreibun
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  • jreibun/5246/2
    • misu見据e
    • 、subetenorisukuwo
    • seo背負u
    • kakugo覚悟
    • de新shii事業ni
    • sannyuu参入suru
    • kotowo決断shita。
    With an eye on the long-term development of the company, the president decided to start a new business venture, and was determined to take on all the risks. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/8345/2
    • yuujintaku友人宅
    • denoho-mupa-thi-de、「sakkikarachi-zubakari
    • meshia召shi上gatte
    • imasuga、hyottoshitechi-zuga
    • osuo好ki
    • nandesuka。私monandesu。」to
    • koe
    • wo
    • ka掛kerareta
    • noga、私to
    • tsuma
    • tono出会idatta。
    At a friend’s house party, I was told, “I noticed that you have been eating nothing but cheese, do you happen to like cheese? Because I also really like cheese myself.” That was how my wife and I first met. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/9034/5
    • tenchou店長
    • nishikararetebakarinoarubaito
    • tenin店員
    • ha、
    • yuuki勇気
    • wofurishibori、消esouna
    • hoso細i
    • koe
    • de「
    • kongetsu今月
    • ippaideyamesasetekudasai」to言tta。
    The part-time clerk, who was constantly scolded by the manager, summoned up all her courage and said in a very thin, faint voice, “Please let me quit at the end of this month.” Jreibun
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  • 74249
    • baka馬鹿
    • to
    • iu
    • kotoba言葉
    • ha
    • waru悪i
    • kotoba言葉
    • da
    • to
    • i言wareteiru
    • ga
    • watashi
    • no
    • seichou成長shite
    • kita
    • kankyou環境
    • de
    • ha
    • sorehodo
    • waru悪i
    • kotoba言葉
    • dehanakatta
    • youni
    • omo思u
    I'm told "idiot" is a bad word, but where I grew up it doesn't really feel that bad. Tatoeba
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  • 74407
    • muteppou無鉄砲
    • de
    • kodomo子供
    • no
    • toki
    • kara
    • son
    • bakari
    • shiteiru
    Because of my recklessness, I have been playing a losing game since childhood. Tatoeba
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  • 74463
    • roudouryoku労働力
    • no
    • 40
    • pa-sento
    • ha
    • howaitokara-
    • roudousha労働者
    • deari
    • sono
    • daibubun大部分
    • ha
    • taikutsu退屈
    • de
    • bakabakashii
    • decchiage
    • shigoto仕事
    • wo
    • shiteiru
    Forty percent of the workforce are white-collar workers, most of whom have some of the most tedious and idiotic jobs ever concocted. Tatoeba
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  • 74847
    • kun
    • ha
    • shounai省内
    • kitteno
    • bakamono馬鹿者
    • da
    • yo
    Young Tanaka is the stupidest person in the department. Tatoeba
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  • 74872
    • dono
    • gakkou学校
    • deatte
    • mo
    • taisougi体操着
    • ha
    • supattsu
    • ya
    • ha-fupantsu
    • bakari
    • da
    In schools everywhere sports-wear is all spats and shorts. Tatoeba
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  • 74935
    • ou
    • wo
    • e得ta
    • kirin麒麟
    • mo
    • mata
    • jumyou寿命
    • wo
    • mo持tanai
    • ikimono生ki物
    • da
    • ga
    • kono
    • yamai
    • bakari
    • ha
    • chiyu治癒
    • no
    • houhou方法
    • ga
    • nai
    A qilin with a king too has no limit on its lifespan, but this illness alone admits of no remedy. Tatoeba
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  • 75185
    • doitsumokoitsumo
    • fuhei不平
    • bakari
    • i言iyagatte
    All those bastards do is complain. Tatoeba
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  • 75188
    • doitsumokoitsumo
    • baka
    • bakkari
    • da
    I'm surrounded by fuckwits! Tatoeba
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  • 75716
    • henji返事
    • wo
    • ma待tsu
    • arisu
    • ni
    • mu向kerareta
    • no
    • ha
    • totsuzen突然no
    • houkou咆哮
    • sore
    • ha
    • mimi
    • wo
    • tsuranu貫kan
    • bakari
    • ni
    • surudo鋭ku
    • ten
    • ni
    • todo届kan
    • bakari
    • ni
    • oo大kiku
    • hibi響ku
    • mono
    • deshita
    What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens. Tatoeba
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  • 75842
    • dou
    • sedai世代
    • no
    • hito
    • ha
    • shigoto仕事
    • toka
    • kaimono買i物
    • de
    • rusu留守
    • bakari
    • desu
    My contemporaries are, working, shopping, out and about, all the time. Tatoeba
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  • 76341
    • migite右手
    • niha
    • ikanimo
    • 、「
    • mahoushoujo魔法少女
    • aitemu
    • desu
    • to
    • i言wanbakari
    • no
    • aya怪shigena
    • roddo
    • ga
    • nigi握rareteita
    In her right hand was gripped a suspicious looking rod that practically radiated "I'm a magical girl item". Tatoeba
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  • 76606
    • sorebakari
    • no
    • nenkin年金
    • de
    • ha
    • rougo老後
    • no
    • seikatsu生活
    • ga
    • fuan不安
    • desu
    With only that much pension I'm concerned about life in retirement. Tatoeba
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  • 203621
    • tada
    • mimamo見守ru
    • bakari
    • datta
    He could do nothing but watch. Tatoeba
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  • 76646
    • soudesune
    • shitatenide下手nidete
    • bakari
    • mo
    • nanda
    • shi
    • katsu
    • rinriteki倫理的
    • desu
    • ne
    That's right. It's written in an unassuming fashion, and it's an ethical standpoint as well. Tatoeba
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