

Sentences — 4 found

  • jreibun/4522/1
    • よていどお予定通り
    • にってい日程
    • に完成した。あとは
    • ひきわたしび引き渡し日
    • を待つばかりだ。
    The construction work on the condominium which they purchased progressed smoothly and was completed on schedule. All that remains is to wait for the hand-over date. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/5257/1
    • たいちょうふりょう体調不良
    • を理由に議会を欠席し続けている議員に対し、市民は「議員の
    • せきむ責務
    • 果たさない
    • なら
    • 辞めろ
    • 」と
    • ひなん非難し
    • じしょく辞職
    • せま迫った
    Citizens rounded on the council member who had been absent from council duties for health reasons and urged him to resign if it was clear that he could not fulfill his obligations as a council member. Jreibun
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  • jreibun/4522/2
    • つわり悪阻
    • がひどく、体調不良が続いていたが、定期健診で医者に「
    • おなかお腹
    • の赤ちゃんの成長は順調ですよ。」と言われ、ほっとした。
    Since I became pregnant, I have been suffering from severe morning sickness and have been feeling unwell, but at a regular checkup, I was relieved when the doctor said, “Your baby is growing well.” Jreibun
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  • 76261
    • かんりにん管理人
    • たいちょうふりょう体調不良
    • モチ
    • ていか低下
    • など
    • により
    • けいぞく継続
    • ふかのう不可能
    • はんだん判断
    • しました
    Due to ill-health of the web-manager, loss of motivation and other circumstances I have decided that it is not possible to continue. Tatoeba
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