Sorry, couldn't find any words matching おれ 俺.
More reading
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: Addressing People
- IMABI: Nouns and Pronouns
Kanji — 1 found
Sentences — 218 found
- みあ見当たらない ので、
- となり隣 の
- せき席 の
- どうりょう同僚 に
- たず尋ねる と、「ここにあるよ。
- おれ俺 が借りてた。」と言って、ポケットからボールペンを差し出してきた。
I couldn’t find the ballpoint pen I had just used, so I asked my colleague sitting next to me about it. He then pulled my ballpoint pen out of his pocket saying, “Here it is. I borrowed it.” — Jreibun