
5 Replies ・ Started by Sombrero1 at 2024-10-01 10:50:45 UTC ・ Last reply by WillBridge at 2024-10-02 23:09:59 UTC

昂 - 昴 ?

So 昴 is used to refer to the Pleiades star cluser a.o. , but I've just also found 昂 in it's stead. 昂 is listed as "The pleiades" in the GG5 (新和英大辞典 第5版), but nowhere else. Thought I'd post this here before proposing an edit in jmdict because I might be missing something here? As far as I know those 2 kanji don't seem to be variants of each other?

Sombrero1 at 2024-10-01 10:55:15 UTC

Okay they might actually be variants

Leebo at 2024-10-01 12:30:01 UTC

For what it's worth, Kanjipedia (maintained by the organization that runs the Kanji Kentei) has separate, non-overlapping entries for them, except to point out that they look similar and to be careful not to confuse them.


Were you able to find any other sources that they are variants?

WillBridge at 2024-10-01 13:27:12 UTC

I checked Kanjikai.

昂 has 昻 listed as a variant.
昴 on the other hand has 𣆻 listed as a variant.
But they are separate entries.

It seems that 昴 is actually the Pleiades star cluster and the Green Godess probably made a mistake. 昂 only has a meaning similar to 高 as far as I can see.

Not really related to the Pleiades meaning, but here's a short excerpt I found in one of my dictionaries:
昴 木村昴(声優。1990~)
昂 根尾昂(野球選手。2000~)、則本昂大(野球選手。1990~)

I searched the web for a source on this story and found: https://www.ytv.co.jp/michiura/time/2018/10/post-4506.html
Therefore I think they should not be treated as variants.

Sombrero1 at 2024-10-01 15:47:44 UTC

Interesting story. I could also find "昂 has 昻 listed as a variant.
昴 on the other hand has 𣆻 listed as a variant" on other sites like https://kanji.jitenon.jp . All I really had to go off, was this entry https://imgur.com/a/OGErdEq , and it's also the only entry on this (at least from what I could find). But yes I agree, they don't seem to be variants.

WillBridge at 2024-10-02 23:09:59 UTC

Seems like an error then. I sent an email to Kenkyusha's editorial department to inquire. If they reply with anything I'll post it here.

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