
3 Replies ・ Started by Yokumizu87 at 2024-09-30 09:29:49 UTC ・ Last reply by WillBridge at 2024-09-30 20:50:10 UTC

What is 'To have to do a 'verb' '


Leebo at 2024-09-30 12:24:24 UTC

There are a few ways to express that concept, but the most basic is probably 〜なければならない

しなければならない - have to do
いかなければならない - have to go
使わなければならかい - have to use

かければ is a negative conditional, and ならない is the negative of なる, and it works out literally to something like "if I do not [verb] it's not good".

You can colloquially abbreviate なければ to なきゃ and omit the second half and still be understood.

しなきゃ - hafta do
行かなきゃ - hafta go
使わなきゃ - hafta use

There are many more layers to this, but that's enough to get started.

Leebo at 2024-09-30 12:26:21 UTC

Woops, "かければ is a negative conditional" should say "なければ is a negative conditional."

That's what I get for not proofreading on my phone.

WillBridge at 2024-09-30 20:50:10 UTC

Not to detract from what Leebo mentioned but if you want to know other possible expressions also have a look at https://imabi.org/must/ (this is lesson 131 of Imabi, but the previous one lesson 130 you might also want to peruse)

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