
0 Replies ・ Started by MrGiraffe at 2023-12-20 03:14:30 UTC
This is a discussion about 蹴込み

蹴込み (けこみ) Usage Example

蹴込み (けこみ) is often used in martial arts, particularly in Karate. This term is used when a technique, usually a kick, is performed to demonstrate it being "forced in" with a "thrust". An example of this is 横蹴り蹴込み (よこげりここみ) or in English, would be referred to as a "Side Thrust Kick". It can also be used in 前蹴り (まえげり) as 前蹴り蹴込み (まえげりけこみ) or in English, it would refer to a "Thrusted Front Kick" or "Front Thrust Kick".

So of course another way to translate this term is "Thrust".

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