
1 Reply ・ Started by parabragun at 2023-12-15 04:56:23 UTC ・ Last reply by bay4bay at 2023-12-15 12:37:31 UTC
This is a discussion about 那由他

alt kana reading

ive literally never seen anyone use kanji to spell this word. it's always ナユタ. but searching that in jisho doesn't turn this word up. how about we fix that maybe

bay4bay at 2023-12-15 12:37:31 UTC

Define "we" and define what you think would encompass a fix.

Generally all my other dictionaries also only list this as なゆた (or of course the kanji), but not as ナユタ. That doesn't mean it's not used with katakana spelling in the real world, but dictionaries don't currently seem to reflect that, JMdict included. So what do you want to fix? Should JMdict do it differently than most other Japanese dictionaries, or do you want the search to work differently on Jisho.org, or something else?

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