
2 Replies ・ Started by bluejelly13 at 2023-07-09 03:08:16 UTC ・ Last reply by Leebo at 2023-07-09 04:09:10 UTC

dictionary says ことなりis an outdated form?

The dictionary is saying ことなりis outdated or obsolete form but that's how it's written in my book? サメ とは ことなり、 5ー6つい の えらあな は 覆面 に 開きます.

bluejelly13 at 2023-07-09 03:11:20 UTC

I can't edit this but I meant 腹面 not 覆面

Leebo at 2023-07-09 04:09:10 UTC

The dictionary entry on Jisho for ことなり is not the same as the version of ことなり in the sentence you provided. The sentence you provided is simply the stem form of ことなる (異なる in kanji). That's what you should be looking up to check the definition of the word as used in that sentence.

The individual entry for ことなり, where "outdated or obsolete" is listed for that kana version, is actually an entry for the word 異なり (けなり), when used as a prenominal. Writing けなり out as ことなり is outdated or obsolete, but it's not the same word as what was in your sentence.

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