
2 Replies ・ Started by dangdrjay at 2023-04-17 06:40:43 UTC ・ Last reply by Fredora at 2023-04-17 22:29:41 UTC
This is a discussion about 痴漢

Why is the word groping; molestor have the "China" kanji in it?

This word and many other words with a negative connotation have the "China" kanji in it. I'm curious as to why that is.

Leebo at 2023-04-17 11:29:02 UTC

The character 漢 also means "man."

See the kunyomi of おとこ and meaning #3 on that page.

Why they used that kanji to represent "man" is another conversation I suppose. But, remember, kanji are themselves from China, so I suppose using a kanji that represents your own people to represent "man" is not that strange for the time they were developed.

Fredora at 2023-04-17 22:29:41 UTC

Yeah, the second part of this word means man or person.
With the meaning of "idiot" this word's actually been attested in China since the seventh century.


The meaning of "Chinese" for the Kanji "漢" comes from it being also the first kanji used for the Han-Dynasty (漢朝) which is a dynasty that became representative for the whole of China or at least for the Han-Chinese people which make up around 90% of the Chinese population.

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