
3 Replies ・ Started by Luks_18 at 2021-05-20 20:52:30 UTC ・ Last reply by Luks_18 at 2021-05-22 20:18:02 UTC
This is a discussion about いかす

Can this word mean "lovely" or "cute"?

While playing a video game, the character said "イカしたカップル", and it was subtitled as "...sweet and lovely couples..."
I never saw anything related to being "lovely" or "cute" while searching this word, most of the time is used as something stylish and cool

Enoch at 2021-05-21 02:10:53 UTC


Lyza at 2021-05-21 05:07:22 UTC

the english translation is hard to convey but ikasu mean they're kinda cool, fashionable. so it's talking about they (the couple) have that good look of a perfect (cool, fashionable) couple (sweet, lovely, smiley, heartwarming, bla bla) opposite to couple who dont look very happy, argue all the time, their hobbies doesnt fit. etc

Luks_18 at 2021-05-22 20:18:02 UTC


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