
1 Reply ・ Started by Rekiotsu at 2020-12-06 15:24:16 UTC ・ Last reply by Leebo at 2020-12-06 20:37:21 UTC
This is a discussion about 価格

What is the difference, 価格 and 値段

Hello. Can somebody tell me what is the difference between 値段 ('ねだん') and 価格 ('かかく'). Their meanings seem basically the same in this dictiniory and I don't really have any point of reference at the moment. Thanks in advance.

Leebo at 2020-12-06 20:37:21 UTC

They do basically mean the same thing, but 価格 is a formal word. You might see it in advertising, or written contexts. 値段 is the more general term, neither formal nor casual.

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