
2 Replies ・ Started by ahmedosaka at 2020-06-27 14:01:46 UTC ・ Last reply by animeetchi at 2020-06-29 05:58:54 UTC
This is a discussion about 密か



animeetchi at 2020-06-29 05:57:58 UTC

I'm prob not qualified to answer this. and processing is obscured
But in my view if you look it at as just the word 密か+ the skeletal grammar に you can work out the rest by reading the examples where context is easy.
A good tool for your browser addon is rikaikun/chan (you can hover and hit enter to view either the word or kanji).
Sry, hope this helps.

animeetchi at 2020-06-29 05:58:54 UTC

edit *my processing

to reply.