
3 Replies ・ Started by NicoleRauch at 2020-06-10 12:15:01 UTC ・ Last reply by jakobd2 at 2020-06-16 18:24:02 UTC
This is a discussion about 然したる

Should get annotation "with neg. verb"

According to an example I found in a book, and according to the examples in 大辞林, this is used with a negative verb, but the annotation is missing in Jisho.

jakobd2 at 2020-06-12 12:56:50 UTC

I added a note to the JMdict entry. When the editors approve the edit it'll eventually find its way to Jisho.org (btw you can do it yourself, too, should you find more dictionary entries that could be improved in the future).

NicoleRauch at 2020-06-16 18:03:11 UTC

Oh I see, I was not aware that this is how the information is added to Jisho. Thanks!

jakobd2 at 2020-06-16 18:24:02 UTC

Under an entry when you hover over "Links" there is also at the bottom one that says "Edit in JMdict" that takes you directly to the corresponding page. Once you get used to the formatting that is used at JMdict it's pretty easy to propose changes :)

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