
3 Replies ・ Started by AndoreSabino at 2020-02-17 04:34:04 UTC ・ Last reply by Leebo at 2020-02-24 21:08:14 UTC
This is a discussion about 済み

Irregular kanji usage?

Shoudn't the text be changed from "irregular okurigana usage" to "irregular kanji usage"?

Leebo at 2020-02-17 05:00:21 UTC

That's usually used to imply that using that kanji (as opposed to some other kanji) is irregular, and I don't think that's what you were imagining.

SenseiHanzo at 2020-02-24 20:27:10 UTC

It makes sense because it's saying that writing ずみ as 済 with no okurigana is nonstandard.
If anything, the main issue is that it says "irregular okurigana usage" twice.

Leebo at 2020-02-24 21:08:14 UTC

Well, one time is to say that 済 (when read as ずみ) is irregular. And one time is to say that 済 (when read as すみ) is irregular. It's possible for one of them to be acceptable and the other to be irregular, but they could make it easier to tell what is being meant.

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