
3 Replies ・ Started by rinramen at 2019-12-18 04:36:54 UTC ・ Last reply by Fredora at 2019-12-18 19:55:03 UTC

undefined "Hyōgai" kanji i can't find the definition of? (畤)

i'm currently translating a Japanese comic, and came across the kanji "畤" in the text. there are no results for this kanji on jisho, and although it is documented on Wikipedia, there's no English translation. the only useful information I could find is that it's part of the "Hyōgai/Hyōgaij" collective, which is apparently the term used for kanji that fall outside the two major lists of Jōyō kanji, thus are just "all unlisted kanji". there's no definitive list or count of the hyōgaiji kanji... it's like it's a ghost kanji or something? I really just need to know what it (畤) means. if anyone could help out that would be great, and perhaps a definition could be added to jisho if one is found.

Leebo at 2019-12-18 05:17:08 UTC

There is a jisho entry for the kanji though?


Kanjipedia agrees, showing まつりのにわ as the meaning. It also has 神霊のとどまる場所, a place where a divine spirit resides or stays.


Fredora at 2019-12-18 18:04:57 UTC

the Howell etymological Dictionary says:

畤 (11) ジ;シ 
As per 寺# (stand straight) + 田 field → worship site (standing in a field) → festival grounds.

Fredora at 2019-12-18 19:55:03 UTC

the entry for 寺 as reference:

寺 (6) ジ;てら
The relevant oracle bone form of this character is 止# (stand straight) + 寸 hand/action indicator →
stand straight by in attending on a superior, then carry out orders → government office (← place
where official functions are carried out). (Buddhist) temple is via the name (鴻臚寺) of a
reception building for priestly visitors from outside of China.

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