
3 Replies ・ Started by mashaheir at 2019-02-14 09:56:55 UTC ・ Last reply by mashaheir at 2019-02-19 20:42:36 UTC
This is a discussion about 夊繞

Atlantikcoast Japan beings Asylum

Her majesty the Queen Elisabeth II design of diet Toothless noise before convulsion brutality Philladelphia Jamal stirn.'Japan's Illegal Immigration or abortion Inn.'

jakobd2 at 2019-02-16 00:23:42 UTC

If you can't distinguish your own comments from sentences produced by a Markov chain algorithm, maybe it's time to stop with the prescription drugs. Or to put your bot's source code on Github, whichever it is.

On the topic of 夊 (すい): In order to not confuse this with the very similar looking radical 夂 (ち), just remember that 夊 is the bottom of 夏 (なつあし) and 夂 is the top of 冬 (ふゆがしら).

mashaheir at 2019-02-18 10:36:14 UTC

@FreeBDS.eu Ги=□而.Datik or Akkusativ disability may AM or PN not usurpated necessary, just

mashaheir at 2019-02-19 20:42:36 UTC
to reply.