
1 Reply ・ Started by SarahLJP at 2018-10-11 13:52:51 UTC ・ Last reply by Leebo at 2018-10-11 14:41:33 UTC
This is a discussion about 粒立つ

Correct kana?

I was watching a Youtube video. The person making the video held up an onigiri they bought. It said 粒立ち on the package and yet there is no suggestion on here that it is a correct form.

Leebo at 2018-10-11 14:41:33 UTC

粒立つ is a verb.
粒立ち would be the 連用形 of that verb, sometimes called the "masu stem" in Japanese lessons for English speakers.
The common uses of 連用形 (when it doesn't have ます stuck to the end of it) include:

-functioning as the continuative form of the verb in more formal writing styles. This is performed by the て form in casual speech.
-turning the verb into a noun, as seen in words such as 話し (from 話す) and 続き (from 続く) and 立ち (from 立つ)

Without seeing the video, I'm not sure which one it would be, but this doesn't strike me as unusual at all.

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