
2 Replies ・ Started by shrtcat 6 years ago ・ Last reply by hermandshot 6 years ago
This is a discussion about 二人

To say 'together (with another person) by using 二人

I've heard that 二人 can be used to mean not just ''two people'' in the strict sense, but can also be used for 'a pair' (of people). How would you use this meaning of 二人 if I wanted to say, for example, ''My friend and I [together, as a pair] are going to Tokyo next year''

Leebo 6 years ago

The particle で can be applied to groups of people to mean that the group is doing said activity "as a group."

Go to the park as a family.
Sing a song with everyone.
Go to Tokyo as a pair

hermandshot 6 years ago

You could also say「来年、友達と二人で東京へ行きます。」if i'm not mistaken.

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