Kimtaro Admin
at 2017-05-10 22:48:31 UTC
Thanks for pointing this out. I'll add fixing this to my todo list!
at 2017-05-11 03:53:17 UTC
Great! Thanks. And thank you for existing.
at 2022-06-01 15:52:52 UTC
The error is still showing.
Kimtaro Admin
at 2022-06-05 06:08:52 UTC
This one's a little tricky to fix with the furigana alignment algorithm Jisho uses today. I'll poke at it a bit more, but ultimately I intend to rewrite the furigana handling from scratch, and will make sure this is fixed with that work.
at 2024-11-14 19:22:41 UTC
The error is still showing.
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The furigana for 子牛 is divided as こう+し. This should be corrected to reflect the actual pronunciation of each kanji: こ+うし. By the way, although the kana sequence is the same, the pronunciation is different.