
2 Replies ・ Started by k7532 at 2016-06-15 13:12:57 UTC ・ Last reply by Zengor at 2016-06-15 19:28:30 UTC
This is a discussion about 卑しい


What is the difference between 卑しい and 欲深い?

First of all, both can mean "greedy" in English. So what I'm trying to ask is if I would like to say that someone is greedy, which word should I use? In what context is either used?

例えば、「the greedy nature of human kind」を訳したら「人類の欲深さ」とか「人類の卑しさ」とかどっちの方が自然ですか?
For example, if I were to translate "the greedy nature of human kind", would I say 人類の欲深さ or would I say 人類の卑しさ?

Zengor at 2016-06-15 19:27:00 UTC

I have a feeling「欲深い」is more common for straight up "greedy".
As for your example, I would say 「人類の貪欲」 for "humanity's greed".
To use either of the words you provided, I would probably say something like 「人類の欲深い性質」

Zengor at 2016-06-15 19:28:30 UTC

I'd like to give a more definite and straight answer to your questions, but this sort of vagueness (which can be completely wrong) is about all I can do with my current level.

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