
4 Replies ・ Started by Isu at 2016-01-24 11:46:50 UTC ・ Last reply by Kimtaro Admin at 2016-02-05 00:28:58 UTC
This is a discussion about 受ける

Wrong furigana in example 1

受 has the furigana うけ. It should be う only.

Best regards and keep up the excellent work!

Isu at 2016-01-24 11:48:57 UTC

If you are using Git for managing Jisho code and data, I might be able to contribute in a way which is less time-consuming for you.

jakobd at 2016-01-24 23:58:23 UTC

I wonder where these furigana are from in the first place, because on tatoeba it's correct http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/235086

Isu at 2016-01-26 22:39:03 UTC

Maybe it is a general problem caused by an error in the Tatoeba source parser? Seems similar to http://jisho.org/word/%E5%85%AB%E7%99%BE%E5%B1%8B and the discussion at http://jisho.org/forum/565ee570d5dda7525e000078-misplaced-furigana .

Kimtaro Admin at 2016-02-05 00:28:58 UTC

Tatoeba uses Mecab, a text analyser, to get sentence readings, just like Jisho. But Jisho also uses some extra data, and a slightly modified version of Mecab, so results can differ between the sites.

This is clearly a Jisho error though, so I'll look into fixing it. Thanks for reporting!

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