
4 Replies ・ Started by mochk at 2015-12-02 10:07:53 UTC ・ Last reply by Kimtaro Admin at 2016-01-07 01:22:35 UTC


×大坂 〇大阪

Kimtaro Admin at 2015-12-04 00:13:59 UTC

I was able to change this in the source database. It should reflect on Jisho in the next week. Thanks for reporting these!

Ged at 2015-12-28 07:30:13 UTC

May I point out another strange word in this sentence? I think 直通 is usually applied for trains only. When we speak about a direct flight, 直行(ちょっこう)is a proper word. A direct flight (no stop-over): 直行便(ちょっこうびん)

"私達は大阪からロサンゼルスまで直行で飛んでいった。" sounds a bid wired to me. ( I'm a native Japanese.)
"私達は大阪からロサンゼルスまで直行で飛んだ。" or "私達は大阪からロサンゼルスまで直行便を使った。" would be natural. (The latter one is the most natural for me.)

fish at 2015-12-29 01:22:27 UTC

I thought '直通' was just for phone lines! Actually, I just checked and the entry for '直通' reflects this too:

Noun, Suru verb, No-adjective
1. direct communication

There are separate entries for '直通列車' and '直通電話'

Maybe this warrants a definition sub 2. like 'direct transportation?' But then again, maybe not, especially in light of Ged's comments.

Kimtaro Admin at 2016-01-07 01:22:35 UTC

@Ged Thanks for pointing that out! The sentences come from the Tatoeba project, which allows people to edit the sentences themselves. Could you make this edit there? It will then make its way into Jisho. If you prefer I can make the edit, but I thought it makes more sense for a larger edit like this to come straight from a native speaker.


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