
3 Replies ・ Started by kylesezhi at 2015-08-11 00:14:08 UTC ・ Last reply by kylesezhi at 2015-08-18 06:23:47 UTC
This is a discussion about 区画

Example sentences on definition page

First off, thanks for this amazing tool. Keeps getting better.

I'd like to suggest adding example sentences to the definition page of a word - for example, on 区画 I have to click twice to get to some Tatoeba sentences. Wouldn't it be nice if they were below the definition?

JimBreen at 2015-08-11 12:50:15 UTC

Years ago Paul Blay was the maintainer of the indices that link the dictionary entries to the Tatoeba sentences, and he put in a series of tags to indicate a good sentence to use as the example for each term. About 25,000 terms were tagged (some sentences have several.) For example for 区画 there's only one sentence containing it, so it's tagged. It would theoretically be possible to put that sentence as part of the display of the entry itself. Several apps and programs do this (including wwwjdic.)

Kimtaro Admin at 2015-08-15 12:33:09 UTC

Jisho uses the good sentence marker that Paul put in to attach sentences to word senses. This can be seen on a word like 計算 for example: http://jisho.org/word/計算

It should also be shown on 区画, but it turns out I had a bug where sentences wouldn't be shown if the word had only one sense. I have just pushed a fix to this and you should now see a sentence example on the 区画 page.

kylesezhi at 2015-08-18 06:23:47 UTC

How wonderful. Thank you!

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