
2 Replies ・ Started by omalbari at 2015-05-22 23:17:51 UTC ・ Last reply by Marcus at 2018-07-27 04:19:41 UTC
This is a discussion about 懐く

Can you show me how is it used in a sentences?

Please help me to use this word in a sentences. Is it polite enough to use in a letter to my senior?

robocoder_db at 2015-05-23 07:31:47 UTC

Not sure myself, but HiNative (hinative.com) is a good place for asking for example sentences with a word.

Marcus at 2018-07-27 04:19:41 UTC

猫は リリーさんには なついていたんですか?

Sentence from にゃんにゃん探偵団, page 62.

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