
2 Replies ・ Started by TonyArra 10 years ago ・ Last reply by TonyArra 10 years ago
This is a discussion about 一寸

Alternate meaning: a "soft" request; "can you *just* do this for me"

As in, ちょっとそれを取ってください。"Cold you just pass me that"

Kimtaro Admin 10 years ago

I think that meaning is mostly covered by "just a little" in meaning 1. But I agree that the explanation could be better for this word. I'm adding it to a growing list of words I want to submit updates to.

TonyArra 10 years ago

Yup; I'm just suggesting clarifications any time I need to consult an external source to explain something. It's nicer to have all of the information in one spot.

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