
13 Replies ・ Started by Kimtaro Admin at 2014-05-09 06:44:17 UTC ・ Last reply by Kimtaro Admin at 2014-05-21 06:44:25 UTC

New design for the word search results

I just released a new design for the words search results. This takes into consideration a lot of the feedback that I received about the beta site so far. Most importantly it keeps consistent columns for the main headword and the definitions. It also brings more sentences inline, shows the main headword and definitions in a larger font, and is a little less cluttered.

There's still a lot of tweaking left to make it look perfect, but I'd love to hear what you all think of it!

Kimtaro Admin at 2014-05-09 06:53:57 UTC

Here's a link to a search that shows off the new design: http://beta.jisho.org/search/parliament

SenseiHanzo at 2014-05-09 09:16:30 UTC

Nice! I love the new layout so far. The inclusion of definition-specific example sentences is very nice, though there seems to be some sort of alignment error. Check out this page: http://beta.jisho.org/word/51859a57d5dda7295400986e
Starting with definition 3, the correct example sentences are shifted one definition down. For example, the sentence for definition 4 (To multiply) is "10円で電話がかけられますか。", when that should be next to definition 5 (To make (a call)).

Also, I would like to bring up once again the request for the number of definitions shown on the results page to be limited for words with many definitions, such as かける. I would say limit it to around 3-5 definitions, and then have the rest be hidden under a collapsible "Show More" category.

Finally, just a minor thing, but the text in the Wanikani icon kind of runs into the edge of the box if it's a two-digit level. Maybe make the box a tiny bit wider?

Sorry to lay on so much criticism so soon after it's been rolled out. I really do like this a lot. =)

Mara at 2014-05-09 09:42:18 UTC

Looks very nice and clean! Definitely an improvement! I like how you added the ability for sentence searches. It's nice. Maybe one day we'll be able to click on the kanji and have the stroke orders displayed.

Like this: http://bit.ly/1uIZJAP

Peter at 2014-05-10 00:24:18 UTC

Much better layout! Thank you.

Kimtaro Admin at 2014-05-10 01:04:06 UTC

I'm glad you all like it!

@SenseiHanzo, This seems to be a problem with the sentence database and not a bug on my side as WWWJDIC has the same alignment error. I’ll have to fix it at the source, but unfortunately Tatoeba doesn’t make it easy to fix these kinds of errors. I'll try to figure out a good solution to this.

I'm not sure about by default hiding definitions for words with a lot of them. Maybe show all when you explicitly search for the word and it's an exact match, but hide some when the word is not an exact match?

I think I'm gonna redesign the Common/JLPT/Wanikani boxes to not be rounded boxes.

I don't take your comments as criticism, but rather as great feedback. Thanks! :)

@Mara, If you click on the "Details" link for the word to go to that word's details page, you can click on the kanji there to go to the kanji details page where you will see stroke order animations. I might try to integrate the stroke order diagrams directly on the details page since I realize that they are a little tricky to get to from the word search.

odraencoded at 2014-05-13 11:23:52 UTC

Hey, I found some bugs when resizing the page, particularly to half my screen size.


The left pane is overlapping with the subtitles and ordered list numbers. This is because every .row has a left and right margin of minus 0.9375rem, but their container doesn't have a left padding to offset that. I don't know where the horizontal negative margins are necessary in the design but for now maybe it's better to restrict to which elements it's applied?

Besides that, #primary has its padding-left set to 0px, whereas the right padding remains 15px at this size, which makes it look weird since even the smaller size design(something around less than 630px width) has the 15px padding-left.

Kimtaro Admin at 2014-05-13 21:02:02 UTC

Yeah that definitely looks wonky. I'll spend some time optimizing for more device width. For now I've only tested on wide windows and smart phone sized screens.


Lisured at 2014-05-14 13:36:56 UTC

I also like the new layout although I can no longer get to wikipedia.org. Could you make the wikipedia entry clickable?

Kimtaro Admin at 2014-05-14 17:08:54 UTC

@Lisured, oops! I forgot the links, sorry, will fix.

danz at 2014-05-15 13:35:05 UTC

Great new design!

Clicking "links" then clicking away doesn't close the drop-down box though, just a minor bug.
I reckon the kanji level doesn't need a box around it, and most people probably don't care what level of WaniKani the word they searched for is so maybe move that information to the details page.
Please make the "Common word" marker more obvious than normal text in a box, maybe colour-code search results if they're common? Another idea could be to track the number of times a word has been searched or saved and increase the shade based on that, similar to @odraencoded's Chrome extension.

The latest redesign just made this beta waay closer to being ready to release in my opinion! Great job :)

danz at 2014-05-15 13:43:49 UTC

I also agree that the list of search results should only show three to five definitions or so for each result with a "show more" button that expands when you hold your mouse over the definition. Not much of an issue on computers but annoying to scroll through long results on other devices.

odraencoded at 2014-05-16 13:35:45 UTC

@danz, on what do you base your statement that most people don't care what level of WaniKani a word is?

Personally, I don't care, but I've come to the conclusion that even though there might be people who speak Japanese fluently and are searching for the meaning of obscure or jargon words in Jisho, the frequent and recurring users are most likely those who are learning Japanese, hence their heavy use of a Japanese to English dictionary.

I think it would be a better idea to optimize for those users. Although I'm not even sure what WaniKani is, I know it is a new Japanese resource that has gained momentum amongst learners, if it gives them information about far from their current level a given term is, maybe we should have it. We have JPLT levels too, anyway.

And also, saving the number of times a word has been searched? You mean in the site's database? That could be an interesting statistic to have, but I'm not sure how that could be used with shading to improve the results. My extension is only useful because if you are reading texts in images(e.g manga) you can't copy and paste them, but since you are reading a continuous text an unknown term is likely to appear multiple times, if you can't remember it you are likely to repeat the radical search. It works because in the context one user is working on, repetition is an important thing, but I wouldn't know how you can help one user's case with sitewide information. It's unlikely there are that many words in a query for shading to be an useful reference, anyway.

@Kimtaro, one thing I think could be improved currently is that on #kanji pages, http://beta.jisho.org/search/%E4%BA%92%20%23kanji for example, the kanji parts are links to other kanji. IMHO it would be more convenient if clicking a kanji part made the radical search popdown and toggled the part that was clicked, if the user wanted to do a kanji search he could click the first result of the kanji search, which would be the kanji part searched. Although, if someone wanted to search for multiple parts of a given kanji, it could turn difficult since the popdown can easily overshadow the kanji parts information, so one would need to keep closing the dropdown and clicking the kanji parts, so I also advise a search icon besides the kanji parts to toggle on all of the kanji's radicals at once.

This is like that feature I posted about months ago about being able to quickly load the radicals of a given kanji, except you would need to be on the kanji page to do this, so it's a bit of an inconvenience.

Kimtaro Admin at 2014-05-21 06:44:25 UTC

@danz, glad you like it!

Noted about the links. I'll try to fix that. I have some ideas for how to better display the Common/JLPT/WaniKani info. Maybe merge them into a better "importance" marker for the main results, and then save the details to the details page.

I'm warming up to the idea of having a "show all" for definitions. Will try it out.

@odraencoded, good idea! Added to the list of radical search improvements I want to make.

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