

Words — 482 found

Noun, Noun, used as a suffix
1. love; affection; careSee also 愛する
  • あい
  • うご動き
  • ふかかい不可解
Love moves in mysterious ways.
2. attachment; craving; desireBuddhism
3. agapeChristianity, See also アガペー
4. IrelandAbbreviation
Wikipedia definition
5. LoveLove is an emotion of a strong affection and personal att... Read more
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. beautiful; pretty; lovely; sweet; pure (heart, friendship, etc.)
Other forms
愛しい 【うつくしい】
愛しい: Rarely-used kanji form.
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. sad; miserable; unhappy; sorrowfulof a person
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. sad; lamentable; deplorable; grievousof a thing, incident, etc.
Other forms
哀しい 【かなしい】愛しい 【かなしい】
愛しい: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Suru verb - special class, Transitive verb
1. to love
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. happy; auspicious; propitious; joyousUsually written using kana alone, See also おめでたい
  • その
  • いっけん一件
  • めでたく
  • らくちゃく落着
  • する
  • だろう
The affair will come to a happy conclusion.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. naiveSee also おめでたい
Other forms
愛でたい 【めでたい】芽出度い 【めでたい】
目出度い: Ateji (phonetic) reading. 芽出度い: Ateji (phonetic) reading, Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. amiability; friendliness; affability; sociability
2. fondness (of someone); affection; likingSee also 愛想を尽かす
3. compliments; civilities; courtesies; flatterySee also お愛想
4. hospitality; special treatment; entertainmentSee also お愛想
5. bill (at a restaurant); checkSee also お愛想
Other forms
愛想 【あいそう】
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Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
1. to spare; to grudge; to be sparing (with); to be frugal; to be stingy
  • ほとんど
  • べんとう弁当
  • 食べる
  • ひま
  • 惜しんで
  • べんきょう勉強した
He studied hard, hardly taking time out for lunch.
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
2. to regret; to lament
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
3. to be reluctant (to do); to be unwilling
  • かれ彼の
  • 惜しんで
  • あま余り
  • ある
  • もの
We cannot grieve over his death too deeply.
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
4. to value; to prize; to hold dear
Godan verb with 'mu' ending, Transitive verb
5. to love; to cherishArchaic, oft. written as 愛しむ
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1. sadness; sorrow; grief
2. affection; loveArchaic, Only applies to 愛しみ
Wikipedia definition
3. SadnessSadness is emotional pain associated with, or characteriz... Read more
Other forms
哀しみ 【かなしみ】愛しみ 【かなしみ】
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1. pet name; nickname; affectionate name; term of endearment
Wikipedia definition
2. Nickname"a usually familiar or humorous but sometimes pointed or ... Read more
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1. love of one's country; patriotism
2. IrelandRare term, See also アイルランド
3. Aikoku
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. attachment (esp. to things); love; affection; fondness
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. reading with pleasure
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. love; adoration
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. favorite; favourite; habitually used
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1. pet dog; beloved dog
2. love of dogs; fondness for dogsSee also 愛犬家
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1. charm; attractiveness; amiability; winsomeness
2. courtesy; ingratiating behaviour
3. entertainment; amusement; funSee also ご愛嬌, usu. as ご愛嬌
Other forms
愛嬌 【あいぎょう】愛敬 【あいきょう】愛敬 【あいぎょう】
あいぎょう: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. あいぎょう: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Kanji — 1 found

13 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 4.
love, affection, favourite
On: アイ
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Sentences — 639 found

  • jreibun/12/1
    • あいそ愛想よく
    • きゃく
    • の要望を聞くと、てきぱきと
    • はなたば花束
    • を作った。
    The florist clerk listened to the customer’s request in an amiable manner and quickly arranged a bouquet of flowers. Jreibun
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Names — 2353 found

あーい 【愛】
Female given name
1. A-i
あい 【愛】
Female given name, Family or surname
1. Ai
あいか 【愛】
Female given name
1. Aika
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